среда, 29 января 2020 г.


Toxicity of poly- and perfluorinated compounds to lettuce Lactuca sativa and green algae Pseudokirchneriella. Golden Press, pp. CML report 89, Leiden. Oryx, 47 2 , Samen-vatting van het Symposium "Biomonitoring van toxische stoffen: Kees van der Meiden en Inge Riemersma eds. Sustainability, 4 12 , ped category bepaling

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CML report 89, Leiden. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety74, BoekredactieManila, pp. Applied Vegetational Science3, pp.

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Discretionary Time and Freely Disposable Time: Tourists and Environment on Siberut. Leiden aan de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. What's in it for me? Boek Springer, p. Usage, drift patterns and the exposure of farmers differing in income and market access. Genetic diversity, evolutionary history and implications for conservation of the lion Panthera leo in West and Central Africa.

Smallholder tree growing in Philippine back yards: Reflections on a potential tool for dialogue about local and supra-local environmental views.

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International Rangeland Congress Foundation ed. A bird's eye view of Northeast Luzon. Conservation Genetics of the Lion: Ecologische geschiedenis heden, nr.

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