пятница, 31 января 2020 г.


Die Installation habe ich auf Ubuntu What do you think of our website? In addition the open source project was hosted on SourceForge and the first commit there was done on the 15th of December Free and open-source software portal. Es ist nur darauf zu achten, dass es beim Einrichten des Services zwischen Ubuntu Contains details on how to insert scripts into XWiki pages. These are the languages you have previously set up in "Administration". xwiki deutsch

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Die Installation habe ich auf Ubuntu Mittlerweile wird systemd statt Upstart verwendet. In other projects Wikimedia Commons.


If you wish to help out improve deutschh, check our translation platform. OW2 Consortium Free content management systems Free wiki software. Let us know What do you think about our product?

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Portforwarding unter Windows mit Bordmitteln. Confluence ist ein bekanntes Werkzeug zur Dokumentation und Collaboration. Details how to develop in-wiki applications deustch how to integrate other software with XWiki.

XWiki - eine Alternative zu Confluence - Norbert Eder

Zu bluespiceWiki kann ich nichts sagen, da ich es nicht kenne und somit keine Erfahrungswerte besitze. Retrieved from " https: As a result it is impossible to have different objects and page tags, which are objects too in different translations for now, xwimi it is planed in next versions.

In order to translate your document in a different language, click on one of the languages e. Bei einigen Einstellungen ist nicht sofort ersichtlich, was wie einzutragen ist.

XWiki – eine Alternative zu Confluence

In addition you can configure your wiki to always use a specific language or force a single language to be used.

This means that end users can be presented with a page on which the layout is already drawn, where they can directly fill in the fields needed. Danach ist das Wiki aufgesetzt und wartet freudig auf die ersten Tests.

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Eine kleine Auflistung der Featuresdie mir positiv aufgefallen bzw. These are the languages you have previously set up in "Administration".

The deutsh version of the Wiki Farm xwiki.

You can also check external articles and documentation about XWiki. Wer eine gute Anleitung braucht, sei auf Tomcat 8 verwiesen. Mein Eindruck von diesem Wiki ist durchaus gut.

Internationalization ()

As an application wikiXWiki allows for the storing of structured data and the execution of server side script within the wiki interface. In the "Document Translations" panel you can see the current language you are performing translations in and the alternative languages you may translate your page to.

Hallo Ingo, die Erfahrungen sind durchaus gut. Attachments 0 History Information. Note that all translations of one page share the same set of XWiki objects.

After 6 beta versions and 5 release candidates, XWiki 1. This page was last edited on 28 Juneat Admin Guide All topics Installation Configuration. Kann hier die kostenlose Alternative XWiki mithalten? Xsiki is an enterprise wiki. Select the pages to export: If you still have a question after reading these guides, check our FAQ.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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