вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Hi Greg, forget my comment, I fixed it. When i upgrade, my information on MySQL will be deleted? First you should consult the documentation. Products and classifications are managed in Bugzilla's settings. If you have a table of test cases that you need to do a bulk update to, it is substantially faster to export the cases as a CSV file so you can do a bulk edit. testopia 2.4

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Have you considered upgrading your Perl to 5. September um Please make sure that your language of Bugzilla is the same as language of Testopia to be installed on.

Apple TV advertising goes beyond small screen with new billboard installations Taking its Testpia TV advertising campaign beyond the small screen and into the real world, Apple is in the process of plastering U.

Thanks for the quick reply.


If you have problems please post questions to the support-webtools list. Posted by Greg Hendricks at 8: Installation support for Bugzilla 3. It is designed to be a generic tool for tracking test cases, allowing for testing organizations to integrate bug reporting with their test case run results. Retrieved from " https: Next you need to patch the Bugzilla files.

What version of XML:: Help would be muc If you are not sure, just set language of your Bugzilla to English. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Request account. If you have a table of test cases that you need to do a bulk update to, it is substantially faster to export the cases as a CSV file so you can do a bulk edit. Though it is designed with software testing in mind, it can be used to track testing on virtually anything in the engineering process.

HOW-TO? on Linux OS: Installing Testopia - How to ?

Here are some pointers:. If you are missing any dependencies, checksetup. Bugzilla is a web -based general-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License. The following installation instructions assume you are installing the latest version of Testopia, currently version 2. Juni um I realize this post is getting a bit old, but i had the same situation, used the same resolution posted above, then found that my 'status' and 'priority' tabs on the 'Case Search' tab were both blank and not being populated, curious if anyone else in this thread also saw that.

testopia 2.4

This page was last modified on 6 Juneat Thank you very much! If you are upgrading from 2.

Web resources about - Installation of Testopia Guten Tag davidarredondolopez gmail. Testopia is a test case management extension for Bugzilla.

testopia 2.4

MYD, but now it is back Any ideas would be appreciated. A moderation of my earlier frustrated complaint: On Linux this would look something like this:.

I need total software for bugzilla 3.

Will there be any documentation for users to upgrade from the current 2. I don't recall now what it was now.

testopia 2.4

All params should now be sent in a hash struct, dict, hashmap or whatever your language of choice calls key, value pairs.

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